live edgy live colour

live edgy live colour

Thursday 20 October 2011

Viens! Ce Soir: Au Revoir Love..

Viens! Ce Soir: Au Revoir Love..:, styling by Me The little prince climbed a high mountains. The only mountains he had known were the three volcanoes, which c...

Au Revoir Love.., styling by Me

The little prince climbed a high mountains. The only mountains he had known were the three volcanoes, which came up to his knees.

Be my friend, I am all alone,

He was standing in front of the garden blooming with roses. 'Good day' said the roses.

The little prince stared at them. They all looked just like his flower.

'Oh'. said the little prince. And he felt extremly unhappy., styling by Me

Then he went on with his thoughts: ' I used to think myself rich, with a flower that was unique, but all I had was a common rose. That and three volcanoes, which only come up to my knees and one of those is perhaps extinct for ever.' And, lying down in the grass, he began to cry., styling by Me.

Take the lesson, take the blows
You didn't fall in love by chance
You choose.

And they will live happily ever after....

Words: The Little Prince/p.64-65 and You Choose lyrics by Pet Shop Boys.


Sunday 9 October 2011

Instagram Me


Linea, Brand new and not so new,

Not so new and not wearing at all ;),

X-Pro II,

@themathems, Brannan,

Me, Nashville,

Patung Kuda Arjuna Wiwaha, Earlybirds
Soekarno-Hatta, Singapore Airlines, Earlybirds, today ;)
Osy, @themathems, Ibnu, Uberdamage,Lord Kelvin,
Canteen PP, Lord Kelvin,

Ajeng, Earlubirds,

Andang, Ajeng, Lord Kelvin,

@themathems, Hefe,

so loongg..


Friday 30 September 2011

Admit It !

Annual income earnings of costume designer professionals vary greatly depending on their experience and expertise. Those who are more experienced will of course have higher salary earnings. But entry-level costume designer positions also offer a reasonable income rate that is enough to support a fulfilling lifestyle.
The salary estimates of costume designers based on work experience are as follows:
  • Entry-Level Costume Designer: $500/ production
  • Experienced Costume Designer: $20,000/production
  • Top-Level Costume Designer: $150,000/production
If you want to earn lucrative income opportunities, be sure to get a formal training from credible fashion or costume design school and acquire relevant work experiences to allow yo
u more room for advancements.


Beberapa gambar sebuah film produksi Itali, kenapa..karena costume designnya dan era tahun pembuatannya. Beberapa tahun belakangan ini saya sedang suka- sukanya sama film Itali terutama era Neorealis, semenjak ikut partisipasi Filem to Filem nya Forum Lenteng

Anouk Aimée and Marcello Mastroianni/ La dolce vita (The Sweet Life)/1960/Federico Fellini; Costume Design by Piero Gherardi, BFI

81/2 /1963/ Federico Fellini/ Costume Design by Piero Gherardi, BFI

The Jobs....

Mengejar Matahari/ 2003/ Rudi Soedjarwo

Cinta Silver/ 2006/ Lance

Maskot/ 2007/ Robin Moran

Trophy Buffalo / Indonesia / 2007 / 19min / Vanni Jamin /
Screening The 8th Asian Film Symposium 2008


Redcobex/ 2010/ Upi/

Lima Elang/ 2011/ Rudi Soedjarwo

The Coming Soon..... Garuda Di Dadaku 2/ 2011/ Rudi Soedjarwo.

Jadi, persoalan pendapatan atau fee atau gaji itu tadi, tetap menjadi suatu arahan atau perbaikan dan mengkaji ilmu yang lebih...cie cieeee....ngga jadi maksud saya ini gini, kan kalau sesorang mau bekerja dengan gaji yang lebih besar , artinya dia itu haruslah menambah ilmu pengetahuan dan wawasan, meng-up date pekerjaannya, dan saya berusaha untuk seperti itu. Walaupun masih terima kerjaan yang berbau 'project thank you' ;D....nga apa- apa asalkan itu berguna dan bermanfaat bagi diri saya dan juga orang lain ;D...dan itu tadi bukan soal uang melulu kan..
Setelah buka- bukaan soal salary , saya masih rancu dengan rate gaji pekerja seni di Indonesia , khususnya Jakarta. Makanya di atas saya ambil contoh karena website tersebut yang juga menginformasikan sekolah- sekolah mode, lalu ada masa pengalaman kerjanya dengan gaji berapa. Maksud saya, gaji itu di tulis di website yang kemungkinan banyak publik yang akan membaca, saya belum cari- cari website Indonesia yang seperti ini, jadi saya ngga tahu. Nah, berarti saya belum berwawasan luas ;D atau mungkin saya lagi males aja ;DDD..atau memang belum ada?? kalau pun belum ada, kenapa??mungkin orang kita masih malu- malu kali ya..
Well....ngomong- ngomong soal gaji, tapi saya lebih suka mem-posting 'karya-karya' saya..

Selamat menonton film Indonesia..;DD


Monday 26 September 2011

Jogjakarta - Gambir PP

'Do you really admire me a great deal?' He asked the little Prince.
'What does"admire" mean?'
'To admire means to admit that I am the handsomest, the best-dressed, the richest, the most intelligent person on this planet.'

My New Shoes, FONT ;)

'But you are all alone on your planet!'
'Do me this kindness: admire me all the same!'
'I admire you,' said the prince, with a slight shrug of his shoulders, 'but how can that be of any interest to you?'

Jogjakarta-Gambir PP

And the little prince went away.
'Ground ups are decidedly very odd,' he merely observed to himself, as he continued on his voyage.


(The Little Prince, page 41-42)

Who The Hell Eriwati Is?

Warung Rokok, Menteng area.

Tukang Bakpao, Menteng area.

'Hello there', Gambir Station.

'Hello..Hello, Eriwati I Love U..', Gambir Station.

Sunday 25 September 2011

The Road 3

Di dalam taxi,

Menteng Central Building,

Smokers Die Younger.


The Road 2

Stasiun Gambir,
Happy waiting,

National Monument, Monas,

Urgent waiting,


Belum datang juga,


The Road 1

Lights, Kemang Raya,

Unfinish Apartement, Jl.Senopati, dilihat dari  Jl. Jendral Sudirman

Unfinish Appartement di Jl.Senopati dilihat dari Jl.Jendral Sudirman

B171 GUE, Jl.Imam Bonjol menuju arah Jl.Rasuna Said, Kuningan

I wake up on 7 AM, get a shower, received some emails.
No breakfast yet, called a cab then i went to Pasar Senen area.
Jakarta these day so much fun with charter a cab so i can go anyplace without trouble bringing my stuff ;D
Just bring some music and camera in one thing, this is nice and i begin to love this journey for work.
Finish everything around 9 PM, upload all image then i can tell a half of my way today.


Wednesday 21 September 2011

I said Goodbye, He said Goodbye

My Work References June 2011

All is about learn from our mistakes,
Lights will guide you home,
If you feel the right to do then do it,
Hope i will never look back anymore,
Just stay focus on now,
And the better.
I was trough the hardest part of my life,
I see people whom trying hard on their way,
They don't give up, see how's strong they are,

Bapao Vendor

ohh..i'm too much smoking today..